
ISPS 2022

The 27th International Symposium on Polar Sciences

Two decades of Korean Arctic research: Looking back to look forward

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[The sections marked with an asterisk(*) are mandatory.]

E-mail (ID) *

※ Please make sure you accurately enter your e-mail address since you cannot modify it later. All future correspondence will be sent to this e-mail address.

Password *

※ Please enter a password between 4 to 8 characters using either small letters or numbers.

Confirm Password *
Country *
Title *
Name *

First Name Last Name

Participant Type *

Affiliation *
Position *
Phone (Office) *
Phone (Mobile) *

Are you an ECR(Early Career Researcher)? *

Personal Information Policy Agreement [Required] *

ISPS2022 values the protection and privacy of the participant’s personal information in accordance with the Personal Information Protection Act of Korea. Please carefully read the information below to agree with personal information collection and usage by ISPS2022

1. Purpose of collection and usage
Management of the conference and participants
2. Collected information
Name, Nationality, Affiliation, Position, Contact information, Email address, etc.
3. Retention period
Collected personal information will be retained and used as of the agreement start date and solely for the intended purposes.
