
ISPS 2022

The 27th International Symposium on Polar Sciences

Two decades of Korean Arctic research: Looking back to look forward

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Writer ISPS 2022 E-mail isps2022secretariat@gmail.com
Date 2022-09-19 Hits 579
Attached [ISPS 2022] How to Watch Live Online Symposium_User Guide_Final.pdf
★How to Watch Live Online Symposium★


This is the 27th International Symposium on Polar Sciences (ISPS 2022) Secretariat.


The Korea Polar Research Institute is pleased to invite you to the 27th International Symposium on Polar Sciences (ISPS 2022), 

which will take place virtually at http://isps2022.or.kr/ from September 20 to 21, 2022.


Thank you so much for your participation and please find attached the user guide 

for ‘How to watch Live Online Symposium’ at http://isps2022.or.kr/


The attachment is including how to watch the Keynote Speeches and Plenary and Science Sessions in real-time, and view Poster Sessions.


We hope you have a meaningful time during the symposium!!

Next Vol_2. Watch the Online Symposium and join the Event!(ENG)